Don't Just Support Your Patients, Keep Them Engaged with Your Program!
The research tells us patients who attend support groups long-term have better long-term results. Yet too often support group topics and content become a last-minute thought. You and your patients deserve quality materials and well thought out topics. Bariatric University has you covered. Click below and rest-assured your support groups are covered for the next 12 months.

12 Done for You Themes
Specific to bariatric patients, general enough to customize to your program.

Bonus Patient Survey
Do you know how to best meet your patients' needs? You ASK them!
All The Tools You Need To Grow an Engaged Support Group Audience
This ain't your momma's support group! Our patients need more, expect more, and deserve more. So, give them more in their support group experience. Not sure how?
That's where The Bariatric Support Group Solution comes into play.

What's Included?
Mini-course including links, resources, and how-to videos for leading online groups
Online resources for the support group leader
Online resources for the patient
12 Completely done-for-you groups [talking points, handouts, swipe files to post/promote on your social media]
- Anti-resolutions
- Intimacy after Surgery
- Meal Prep can be Fun
- Momma didn't raise no fool! [dispelling myths about surgery]
- Vitamin Controversies
- We all have beach bodies.
- Summer Cookout Options
- Exercising Safely in the Summer
- Holy Hormones Batman!
- Latte Swap
- Does it make sense to shop in bulk when I eat so little?
- When the Holidays aren't So Jolly
Bonus #1 Patient Support Group Survey
Bonus #2 Fostering Patient Engagement